© 2024 Copyright All rights reserved Rancho Murieta Corvettes


Events Team



Vice President


Geoff Haeger


Kent Kilborn


Greg Warrick

Jerry McDonald

The President shall preside at all General Business, Special Business, and Executive Board Meetings of the Club and perform duties common to the office of the President. He/she shall be Chief Executive of the Club.  He/she shall work with Vice President to promote and create Club events.

In the absence of the President, and/or when called upon to do so by the President or Executive Board, or in the case of the President’s resignation or inability to act, the duties usually pertaining to the office of President shall be performed by the Vice- President.

The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the General Membership and Executive Board Members and shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings and votes.

The Treasurer shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Executive Committee, have custody of all monies, debts, and obligations belonging to the Club. He/she shall maintain a bank account in the name of “Rancho Murieta Corvettes” from which checks may be issued.

The Events Coordinator(s) shall coordinate events and activities of the Club, send event information to Club members, and coordinate with the Club's Webmaster for posting the events calendar and activity information on the Club's website. If deemed necessary, he/she can create and Chair an Events Committee.

The Membership Director shall maintain the Club Roster on the Club Website as well as in a permanent record book as members join or terminate membership.

Serves in an advisory capacity for a smooth transition between club administrations only

Club Officers, and General Responsibilities


Teresa Silva

Past President


Member At Large

Geoff Haeger

Serves in an advisory capacity for a smooth transition between club administrations and serves as a voting member.