© 2024 Copyright All rights reserved Rancho Murieta Corvettes






General Club Meeting

Third Wednesday


Parasol Room



The Rancho Murieta Corvettes regular meetings, which are held mostly every month, begin with a general business meeting for our members. The meetings, held the third Wednesday of the month, are when club affairs from club events, runs and parties to elections, treasury reports, membership reports and event details are presented to our members.  All members are encouraged to attend these informative meetings.

The monthly meetings start at 5:00, in the Parasol Room at the Rancho Murieta Country Club.  Our dinner/social hour, which is optional, will follow directly after the meeting, usually around 5:30.  You are invited to join other members in conversation about anything from grandkids to cars and everything in between.  

The next monthly general meeting is Wednesday, February 21.

Both the meeting and dinner will be held in the Terrace Room of the Rancho Murieta Country Club.

The meeting starts promptly at 4:30 pm, followed by a buffet dinner at 5:30 pm.

The price per person is $25, which includes tax and tip.

Payment will be made directly to the Country Club host that night - members use their Club member #, and non-members use a credit card.

Buffet Dinner includes:

Caesar Salad, Chicken Piccata, Mashed potatoes, Roasted Romanesco Broccoli, dessert and coffee.

The Club requires an RSVP for dinner.

Please RSVP to heidiwarrickx3@gmail.com with the number by no later than this Thursday, February 15.

This is a very important meeting to attend regarding an expelled member's allowance to rejoin the club.

The meeting agenda will be sent this week.

We hope you all can attend.