




© 2024 Copyright All rights reserved Rancho Murieta Corvettes


June 6





At drivers


A lot of times during the sunnier months, Jack just takes off with the top down, enjoying the weather (heat permitting) and go have lunch somewhere on a fun run...Over the years I have accumulated a collection of favorite places to enjoy food and beverages...So it is time to share with anyone willing to join me...These are all eclectic places ranging from sit down restaurants to outdoor cafes to picnic type places...All are fun...

I usually go regardless if no one else goes so come enjoy a fun "at the speed limit" run up into the hills...Very curvaceous... Most runs are about 90 minutes or less and on roads that you may or may not have ever been on before but quite picturesque...The format is pretty simple...No RSVPs are needed but appreciated...I am going regardless...Just meet me at the Taco Bell at the designated time and drive with me to the destination...No impound type speeds but not slow driving either...Not really passenger friendly though...if the pace is too quick just drive at your own speed and meet me at the destination...And any vehicle is ok...Cobras, Puegots, Jags, Mercedes and Porsches...Anything that makes you smile...

All the restuarants are moderately priced...Most of the time chances are you have never been to these but will be pleasantly surprised because they dont become one of my go to favorites unless they are fun...

This run I am driving to Georgetown's Shandys burger joint...Small but good reviews in an old gold rush era historic town...We will drive on roads you may not have been on before...Bucks Bar, Cedar Ravine and 193 are the roads...Lets have some fun...

Home on your own or you can follow me back on CA49...Lots of turns...