First Friday Lunch Cruise

Event Title


April 2

Meet Time


Meet Location

Bel Air

Depart Time


A lot of times during the sunnier months, Sally and I just take off with the top down, enjoy the weather (heat permitting) and go have lunch somewhere...Over the years we have accumulated a collection of favorite places to enjoy food and beverages...So it is time to share with our club...These are all eclectic places ranging from sit down restaurants to outdoor cafes to picnic type places...All are fun...

We are going regardless if no one else goes so come enjoy a ride with us of always about 90 minutes and on roads that you may or may not have ever been on before but quite picturesque...Although this one will take about 2 hours with one stop...No speeding, just relaxed routes never going over the speed limits...

All the restuarants are moderately priced...Most of the time chances are you have never been to these but will be pleasantly surprised because they dont become one of our favorites unless they are fun...

This month we are driving to Gotts Roadside in St. Helena..We will stop at the Arco/Burger King in Winters for a fluid adjustment and dehydration...Gotts is an iconic old school drive in that serves all types of food...This will be a social distancing, mask outside the cars event...They have a huge outdoor dining area with lots of tables on a grassy field...It has been around forever and a great tourist stop in the Napa Valley just south of St. Helena...These are all weather dependent...And to make it more fun we never go the short way anywhere...Rain cancells the run...We are not very particular so take any OTC you like that's fun to drive...Corvettes preferred...This has been a place where VWs to Bugattis show up...Ferraris often inhabit the parking lot...

The return trip is up to you but exploring the Napa Valley is a great option...You can follow us if you wish...




St. Helena Gotts Roadside
