Here is the process...Because the 15th Anniversary Party is being held on a regularlly scheduled meeting night, we do not want to turn the party into a business meeting...Lets celebrate and not involve business items...

So...Nominations will be held via email...If you have the desire to nominate a member in good standing for a position on the next board of officers for the term, 2024-2025, please email your choices to Dewayne Bryant,, by November 14...All persons placing a name in nomination will remain annonymous...A nominee will then be notified by Dewayne and given the opportunity to accept or withdraw...All accepted nominations will be placed on a ballot to be used on November 15...If there are other persons nominated at the general meeting, those will be a write in choice...

Votes will be held by secret ballot counted the night of the meeting by persons not nominated or on the current board...All members vote...Two votes per membership...

Any questions can be directed to either Dewayne of Jack...

2024-2025 Club Officer Nominations