
The President shall preside at all General Business, Special Business, and Executive Board Meetings of the Club and perform duties common to the office of the President. He/she shall be Chief Executive of the Club.  

He/she shall create and copy agendas for the General Business, Special Business, and Executive Board Meetings of the Club.

He/she shall be the Chairperson of all standing Committees of the Club ex officio.

He/she shall have the authority to proclaim Executive Board Meetings as deemed necessary and also specify Executive Board Meetings over issues that are pertinent to attain development and management of the Club.

After election of Executive Officers, the President shall have the authority to obtain volunteers or appoint members as Committee members as deemed necessary (all Committees and Chairpersons shall be subject to approval of the Executive Board).  

He/she welcomes/introduces meeting guests and provides guest names to Secretary.  

He/she shall store and maintain for Club use all Club property including, but not limited to, promotional signs, banners, and displays, sponsor donations, loud speakers, Club apparel, etc.  

He/she shall furnish publicity and news coverage for the betterment of the Club, for promotion of the club and its members, endorsed events and sponsors, and for furthering of the Corvette image.  

He/she shall coordinate with local Chevrolet/GM dealership(s) to promote the club and obtain Club sponsorships or sponsorships of various club events.  

He/she shall coordinate with local TV, newspaper, radio stations, and other advertising media to promote the club and obtain Club sponsorships or sponsorships of various club events.  

He/she shall work with Vice President to promote and create Club events.  

He/She shall be a member of the bylaws committee.  

He/She shall have accessible via e-mail and have access to the internet.  The President without specific approval of the Executive Committee shall incur no personal obligation, debt, or other liability on behalf of the Club.


In the absence of the President, and/or when called upon to do so by the President or Executive Board, or in the case of the President’s resignation or inability to act, the duties usually pertaining to the office of President shall be performed by the Vice- President.

He/she shall serve as Chairperson of the Events Committee, coordinate events and activities for the Club, and assist event Chairperson(s) as necessary.

He/she shall coordinate with the Club’s Webmaster for posting the events calendar, club activity information, and post event flyers and promotional materials on the Club’s website.

He/she shall send event information to Club members via Club Website email and “snail mail.”

He/she shall review other clubs’ event information and report any new events to the Club at the monthly General meetings.

He/she shall coordinate with the Club Webmaster to plan, manage, control, revise, and update the Club website to communicate the activities and the mission of the Club to club members and other interested parties.

He/she shall coordinate the establishment of links to other websites of mutual interest and promote Website sponsor advertising.

He/she shall advise the Executive Board of needed changes to the Website. He/she shall coordinate appropriate enhancements to the Club’s Website to promote the Club.

He/She shall be a member of the By-Law Committee.

He/She shall be accessible via e-mail and have access to the internet.

He/She, without specific approval of th Executive Committee shall incur no personal obligation, debt or other liability of behalf of the club.


The Treasurer shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Executive Committee, have custody of all monies, debts, and obligations belonging to the Club.

He/she shall maintain a bank account in the name of “Rancho Murieta Corvettes” from which checks may be issued.

He/she shall deposit monies of the Club in the Club bank account within 30 days of receipt of said monies.

He/she shall review and update as necessary the Club’s bank signature card no less than annually.

He/she shall balance the Club’s bank account with the bank’s statement each month and shall handle any discrepancies accordingly.

He/she shall make all payments of Club debts on approval of the Executive Committee and/or approved vote of general membership pursuant to the Club By-Laws. He/she shall pay all approved debts within 14 days after receiving a valid invoice, receipt, or written documentation, or prior to the posted “delinquent” date thereon. All payments shall be drawn from the Club bank account.

All contracts, checks, drafts, notes, or other orders for payment of money shall be signed by any Board member, upon approval of the Board and/or Club majority vote at a monthly Club meeting. All receipts for expenditures must be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Expenditures up to $150 require a majority consensus among current Board members. Expenditures over $150 must be presented to the Club for majority consensus at a monthly Club meeting.

He/she is in charge of overseeing all Club raffles, including procuring and dispensing of raffle tickets, appointing raffle sellers, and collecting raffle monies.

He/she shall not sell Club raffle tickets or collect dues, event fees, or other monies directly from Club members. Dues, event fees, and other monies paid by members shall be collected by an appointed Club member/Chairperson, other than Treasurer, then totaled, accounted for, and collectively submitted to the Treasurer for deposit into the Club bank account. Other club members who receive club monies from various Club events, shall turn all Club monies over to Treasurer so Treasurer can deposit into Club bank account.  If Treasurer does not receive monies within a reasonable timeframe, Treasurer shall pursue receipt of monies from club member(s).

He/she shall provide a written report on the financial status of the Club at the Club’s General Meetings and, if so directed, at any other meetings of the Executive Committee. Copies of said reports shall be provided to the Secretary for permanent record keeping.

He/she shall, in coordination with the Secretary, prepare and file any necessary State and Federal tax returns yearly. Copies of said reports shall be provided to the Secretary for permanent record keeping.

He/she shall store and maintain all Club property pertaining to raffles including, but not limited to, tickets, aprons, bins, cash box, etc.

He/She shall be a member of the By-Law Committee.

He/She shall be accessible via e-mail and have access to the internet.

He/She without specific approval of the Executive Committee shall incur no personal obligation, debt or other liability on behalf of the Club.


The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the General Membership and Executive Board Members and shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings and votes.

In the absence of the Secretary from said meetings, the presiding Officer pro tempore shall appoint an Executive Officer or Club member to act as temporary/interim Secretary.

He/she shall be in charge of membership attendance and roll call voting at the General and Special Business Meetings.

He/she shall transcribe, type, and upload the monthly General Membership meeting minutes to the Club’s webpage and mail out a hard copy to “snail mail” members within 21 days after such meetings.

He/she shall keep an up-to-date roll of all Club Members at Club meetings.

He/she shall e-mail notices of General Meetings, as a reminder, to the Members by the Friday before each meeting.

He/she shall provide notices for publication by local newspapers and publications of monthly Club events.

He/she shall, in coordination with the Treasurer, prepare and file any necessary State and Federal tax returns yearly. Copies of said reports shall be provided to the Secretary for permanent record keeping.

He/she shall maintain custody of the Club’s permanent records including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, financial reports, legal correspondence, Corporate documents, Business Licenses, tax returns, etc.

He/she shall assist any officer desiring assistance with correspondence.

He/she shall be in charge of recording all updates to the Club By-Laws and uploading approved By-Laws to the Club’s website.

He/she shall be a member of the By-Law Committee.

He/she shall receive nominations for the election of Executive Board Officer positions. He/she shall be assisted by two general club members, not holding or running for elective office and as appointed by the Club, to verify and count ballots. He/she shall prepare, distribute, and announce the results of election ballots.

He/she shall maintain the Club’s Office Box for exclusive use of receiving Club mail and ensure mail is retrieved no less than once per month and distribute mail accordingly.

He/she shall be accessible via e-mail and have access to the internet.

The Secretary without specific approval of the Executive Committee shall incur no personal obligation, debt, or other liability on behalf of the Club.

Events Coordinator(s)

The Events Coordinator shall coordinate events and activities of the Club, send event information to Club members, and coordinate with the Club's Webmaster for posting the events calendar and activity information on the Club's website.

If deemed necessary, he/she can create and Chair an Events Committee.

Membership Coordinator

The Membership Director shall maintain the Club Roster on the Club Website as well as in a permanent record book as members join or terminate membership.

He/she shall update and distribute to all Executive Board Members a “snail mail” list of members that do not have internet and/or e-mail access.

He/she shall provide an oral report of current membership enrollment statistics at the monthly General Meetings.

He/she shall collect and process all membership dues, and applications.

He/she shall distribute and collect membership renewal forms and dues for RMC during the last quarter of each calendar year.

He/she shall coordinate and assist RMC members with any issues regarding RMC.

He/she shall prepare and distribute promotional club information and membership application forms to interested parties.

He/she shall promote the Club to interested parties for purposes of advanced membership enrollment and the betterment of the Club.

He/she shall be a member of the By-Law Committee.

He/she shall be accessible via e-mail and have access to the internet.

The Membership Director without specific approval of the Executive Committee shall incur no personal obligation, debt, or other liability on behalf of the Club